Paintings, Drawings, and Cartoons

Methods and Equipment

The primary tools are:

  • Arches 140 lb and Arches 300 lb handmade paper
  • pH neutral drawing paper, Vellum
  • Winsor Newton Professional Transparent Water Colour Paint (tubes and cakes)
  • Winsor Newton Series 7 Sable Watercolour Brushes
  • Natural lighting when possible, simulated daylight lighting otherwise.
  • Workstation, Wacom Pressure Sensitive Tablet, Fractal Painter (now Corel Painter), Adobe Photoshop


  • Watercolor methods are generally traditional in nature, leaving the whites.
    • However, whatever means can be used to lift, remove or replace unwanted imagery or color will be employed to the limit of the painting ground.
  • Pen and Ink, Pencil and Charcoal work methods are traditional line and hatching, with occasional brush use.
  • Digital paintings were done with Fractal Painter; digital corrections were done with Fractal Painter and Photoshop
  • Fractal Painter is updated to Corel Painter